Michelle Wilding-Baker

Michelle is an Australian award-winning journalist turned digital marketer who specialises in SEO, content strategy and acquisition.

She graduated with a BA in Communication Studies (Journalism) and is armed with more than a decade of marketing and editorial experience for both big and small brands. Having moved to London from Sydney in 2016 for a new challenge, she just completed 2.5 years as Head of SEO & Content at The Telegraph Media Group where she hired and led the ‘Best In-House SEO Team’ of 2019 (Drum Search Awards). She is now exploring new pastures consulting as an in-house Technical SEO & Performance Marketing consultant for global and start-up businesses in the highly competitive FinTech, Financial Services, Ecommerce and Publishing industries.

Michelle Wilding Baker Photo Gallery

Michelle Wilding-Baker 2Michelle Wilding-Baker with GerryMichelle Wilding-Baker 3Michelle Wilding-Baker 1